Root Canal

The 7 Truths and Lies About Root Canals

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “Root Canal” is an image of you suffering under the dentist’s drill. In reality, that is not at all true. There is nothing to believe in the lies being spread about the Root Canal therapy. You must welcome the experience of getting a private root canal Weybridge to dispel all of these untruths.

The Lies:

• The root canal causes pain

Root canals are painless thanks to modern dentistry that incorporates Dental Sedation to alleviate the pain. The point of having this treatment is to remove the damaged tissue which is causing the pain. This process actually provides pain relief.

• It causes illness

This myth came about after a research done in 1900 by Dr. Weston Price. The method has been improved since then and this study was already discredited.

• It is only needed when there is tooth pain

The procedures aim to save the remaining teeth and prevent further infection. Sometimes the patient does not experience any pain even if the tooth needs to be treated.

• Root Canals need several appointments

The competition of the procedure will only take one or 2 appointments. You’ll need a follow-up checkup with Dentist in Weybridge but, the tooth is already working fine after the treatment.

The Truths:

Root Canals can cure tooth problems

The treatment allows the patients to keep their infected tooth for a lifetime. It is designed to prevent infections from happening. 95% of the time, these treatments are successful.

• Root canals can save the tooth

As much as possible, dentists would want to save your tooth and prevent it from getting extracted. It will also avoid creating unnecessary gaps in your mouth. If the root of the tooth is still alive, dentists will opt to take out the infected parts and just reconstruct the entire tooth it so it can be useful once again.

• The tooth is “crowned”

To complete the treatment of the Root Canal, the remaining part of the tooth is fitted with a crown. It helps in protecting the living parts of the tooth and prevents further infection.

By knowing what is true, you should no longer be afraid of getting a Root Canal. It is actually very beneficial for your teeth.

Disclaimer: The featured image credit goes Wikipedia User Jeremykemp
Root Canal Illustration with Molars by Jeremy Kemp.