Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Care Tips, Dental Fear, Dental Hygiene, Dental Implants

How to Find the Best Dentist Near Me: NHS vs. Private Dentists in the UK


When it comes to maintaining good oral health, finding the right dentist is crucial. The age-old question of whether to go to an NHS (National Health Service) dentist or a private dentist has left many dental patients in the UK pondering. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of both options to help you make an informed decision on how to find the best dentist near Canterbury.

Is it Cheaper to Go to a Private Dentist?

Cost is often a significant consideration when choosing a Private dentist. NHS dentists are funded by the government, which means their services are often more affordable. In contrast, private dentists charge fees for their services, which can vary widely.

However, it’s important to note that the cost of dental care can be influenced by several factors, including the type of treatment you need and your location. Routine check-ups and basic treatments may be comparable in cost between NHS and private dentists, but more complex procedures, such as cosmetic dentist or dental implants, orthodontics treatment can be significantly more expensive when done privately.

Additionally, private dentists may offer more flexible appointment times, extended services, and a wider range of treatment options, which can justify the higher costs for some patients. In terms of cost, it’s essential to weigh your specific dental needs against your budget to determine which option is more affordable for you.

Is It Worth Going Private for Dentistry in the UK?

The decision of whether it’s worth going private for dentistry in the UK depends on your individual circumstances and priorities. Private dentists often provide several advantages that may make them a worthwhile choice for some patients.

Firstly, private dentists typically offer shorter waiting times for appointments compared to NHS dentists. If you’re in pain or need immediate dental care, this can be a significant benefit.

Secondly, private dentists often provide a more comprehensive range of treatments, including cosmetic dentistry and advanced procedures. If you’re looking for options beyond basic dental care, such as teeth whitening, veneers, or Invisalign, a private dentist may be the better choice.

Finally, the personalized attention and extended appointment times offered by private dentists can enhance the overall patient experience, making it more comfortable and less rushed.

That being said, NHS dentists provide high-quality dental care and are a cost-effective option for routine check-ups and treatments. So, whether it’s worth going private depends on your specific needs and priorities.

Is It Better to Go to a Private Dentist?

Whether it’s better to go to a private dentist or an NHS dentist is a subjective decision. The “better” option depends on what you value most in your dental care.

Private dentists often offer:

– Faster appointment times.

– A broader range of treatments.

– Enhanced cosmetic dentistry options.

– More personalized care.

On the other hand, NHS dentists offer:

– Affordable dental care.

– Accessible services for everyone.

– High-quality routine dental treatments.

– Availability in most areas across the UK.

It’s essential to consider your dental needs, budget, and preferences when making this decision. For some, the convenience and additional services provided by private dentists make them the better choice. However, others may find that NHS dentists perfectly meet their requirements for routine dental care.

Is NHS Dentistry Much Cheaper Than Private?

NHS dentistry is generally more affordable than private dentistry, primarily because it’s publicly funded and aims to provide accessible dental care to all residents of the UK. This affordability is especially evident when it comes to routine dental check-ups and essential treatments, which have standardized fees within the NHS.

However, as mentioned earlier, the cost comparison between NHS and private dentistry can become less clear-cut when considering more complex treatments or cosmetic procedures. Private dentists often charge higher fees for these services, as they may offer advanced techniques, premium materials, and a more comfortable experience.

In conclusion, NHS dentistry is indeed much cheaper for routine dental care and basic treatments. If cost is your primary concern, and you don’t require extensive cosmetic or specialized dental work, an NHS dentist may be the better choice.


In the quest to find the best dentist near you, it’s vital to weigh your specific needs, budget, and priorities. NHS and private dentists each have their advantages and drawbacks, and the “right” choice varies from person to person. For routine care, NHS dentists offer accessible and cost-effective options. In contrast, private dentists excel in providing personalized care, faster appointments, and a wider range of treatments. Ultimately, your dental journey should be guided by what aligns best with your dental health goals and financial circumstances.

Dental Care Tips

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Maintaining good oral health is crucial for your overall well-being. One of the cornerstone practices for achieving this is scheduling and attending regular dental check-ups. These routine appointments with your NHS dentist serve a vital role in preventing dental issues, diagnosing problems early, and ensuring your smile remains healthy and beautiful. In this comprehensive 1200-word article, we will explore the significance of regular dental check-ups, what to expect during these visits, and the many benefits they offer.

 The Foundation of Oral Health

Oral health goes beyond having a dazzling smile. It encompasses the health of your teeth, gums, tongue, and the entire oral cavity. Poor oral health can lead to a range of problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and even more serious conditions like oral cancer.

Regular dental check-ups are the foundation of maintaining optimal oral health. These appointments are typically recommended every six months, although your dentist may suggest a different schedule based on your individual needs and risk factors.

 The Dental Check-Up Process

A typical dental check-up consists of several essential components:

1. Oral Examination: Your dentist will examine your mouth, teeth, and gums for any signs of problems. This includes looking for cavities, gum inflammation, oral lesions, and other issues.

2. Professional Cleaning: Dental hygienists often perform a professional cleaning during your visit. They use special tools to remove plaque and tartar buildup, which can’t be effectively removed through regular brushing and flossing.

3. X-rays: Depending on your dental history and risk factors, your dentist may recommend dental X-rays to check for hidden issues like cavities between teeth and problems with the jawbone.

4. Discussion: Your dentist will discuss your oral hygiene routine, diet, and any concerns you may have. This is an opportunity to ask questions and seek advice on maintaining good oral health.

 The Benefits of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Now, let’s dive into why regular dental check-ups are so important:

 1. Early Detection of Dental Issues

Regular check-ups allow dentists to spot dental problems in their early stages. Conditions like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer are more manageable and have a higher chance of successful treatment when detected early.

 2. Prevention of Dental Problems

Professional cleanings during check-ups remove plaque and tartar buildup, which can lead to cavities and gum disease. Preventing these issues saves you from more extensive and costly treatments in the future.

 3. Personalized Oral Care

Your private dentist in Camden town can tailor their advice and treatment recommendations based on your specific needs and concerns. This individualized approach ensures you receive the most effective care.

 4. Monitoring Changes Over Time

Regular check-ups provide a baseline for your oral health. By tracking changes over time, dentists can identify patterns and address potential issues before they worsen.

 5. Education and Advice

Dentists are a valuable resource for oral health education. They can provide guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques, dietary choices, and habits that promote good oral hygiene.

 6. Preventing Bad Breath

Dentists can help identify the causes of bad breath (halitosis) and recommend treatments or lifestyle changes to address the issue.

 7. Enhancing Aesthetics

If you’re interested in improving the appearance of your smile, regular check-ups can be a starting point for discussing cosmetic dentistry options like teeth whitening or orthodontics.

 8. Oral Cancer Detection

Oral cancer can be life-threatening if not detected early. Regular check-ups include an oral cancer screening, increasing the chances of early detection and successful treatment.

 9. Reducing Dental Anxiety

Frequent visits to the dentist help normalize dental care, potentially reducing anxiety for those who fear dental appointments.

 10. Cost Savings

Preventive care is generally more cost-effective than treating advanced dental issues. By addressing problems early, you can save on extensive dental work.

 Who Benefits from Regular Dental Check-Ups?

Everyone, regardless of age or dental history, can benefit from regular dental check-ups. Children, adults, and seniors all have unique oral health needs that can be addressed through regular dental care.

 Children: Regular check-ups help children establish good oral hygiene habits and identify any early developmental issues with their teeth and bite.

 Adults: Adults may require maintenance for previous dental work (e.g., fillings, crowns) and benefit from screenings for conditions like gum disease and oral cancer.

 Seniors: As we age, dental issues can become more prevalent. Regular check-ups are vital for maintaining oral health and addressing age-related concerns.

 Overcoming Common Barriers to Dental Care

Some individuals may hesitate to schedule regular dental check-ups due to various reasons, including fear, cost, or busy schedules. However, it’s essential to overcome these barriers for the sake of your oral health:

 Dental Anxiety: If you experience dental anxiety, discuss your concerns with your dentist. They can offer strategies to make your appointments more comfortable, such as sedation options.

Dental Care Tips

The Secrets of a Healthy Smile: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Optimal Oral Health


A healthy smile is not only aesthetically pleasing but also plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. it is the gateway to our digestive system and an indicator of our oral health. Some Private dentist Birmingham suggest following few simple steps and making conscious choices, you can unlock the secrets to a radiant and healthy smile that will leave a lasting impression. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of maintaining optimal oral health and uncover the secrets to a healthy smile.

  1. Daily Oral Hygiene Practices

To lay the foundation for a healthy smile, it is essential to establish a consistent oral hygiene routine. This includes proper brushing techniques, regular flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. Choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste, using the correct brushing technique, and ensuring that all tooth surfaces are thoroughly cleaned are vital for effective plaque removal and prevention of dental issues.

  1. Balanced Diet for Oral Health

A nutritious diet plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. Consuming calcium-rich foods for strong teeth, crunchy fruits and vegetables that act as natural cleaners, and foods high in vitamin C for healthy gums can promote a healthy smile. Conversely, it is important to limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages that contribute to tooth decay and erosion. Additionally, avoiding staining agents like coffee and tobacco, as well as hard and sticky foods that may damage teeth, can help preserve the whiteness and integrity of your smile.

  1. Regular Dental Check-ups and Professional Cleanings:

Routine dental visits are crucial for achieving and maintaining a healthy smile. Regular check-ups allow for early detection of oral health issues, such as Dental hygiene, gum disease, or oral cancer. Dentists perform comprehensive examinations, including X-rays and diagnostic tests, to assess your oral health. Professional cleanings, involving scaling and polishing to remove plaque and tartar, help maintain the cleanliness of your teeth and prevent gum disease. Dental professionals can also provide treatments such as dental fillings, gum disease treatment, fluoride applications, and sealants to enhance and protect your smile.

  1. Additional Tips for a Healthy Smile
    In addition to the fundamental practices, there are several additional steps you can take to ensure a healthy smile. Avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, protecting your teeth during physical activities by using mouthguards, managing stress to prevent teeth grinding, and maintaining overall health are all essential factors to consider for optimal oral health.


Achieving a healthy smile is within reach by following the secrets outlined above. Consistent daily oral hygiene practices, a balanced diet, regular dental check-ups, and adopting additional healthy habits will pave the way to a beautiful smile that radiates confidence and reflects your commitment to overall well-being. Remember, your smile is an invaluable asset, and by prioritizing oral health, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy smile for a lifetime.

Dental Care Tips, Dentures

Permanent versus Temporary Dentures

Having a full mouth and a beautiful set of teeth is attractive and gives one confidence.

If you have teeth missing from your mouth as a result of extraction, tooth decay, or disease, you may want to think about dentures.

An artificial tooth substitute for missing teeth is a denture. It consists of a detachable frame on which fake teeth are fastened.

Permanent and Temporary Dentures

Immediate dentures are another name for temporary dentures. It is created to cover the gap left by a missing tooth and offer you full teeth while you wait for the permanent dentures to be prepared. They are not specially made to adequately fit within the mouth. Only a short period of time before the permanently fitted dentures are usable is manageable.

Replacement dentures are another name for permanent dentures. It is intended specifically to replace a missing or removed tooth. Permanent dentures are made for mouths with healed gums; they are better for oral health and can’t support bacterial growth. It won’t alter or shrink over the course of several years of use. Permanent dentures are more comfortable and fit better, despite the fact that they can be quite expensive.

Permanent dentures are the preferred choice between temporary ones

The extracted tooth might disfigure the entire face following a successful extraction procedure. Pain, infection, inflammation, gum disease, and other oral issues might result from the missing tooth.

As a result, many patients demand replacements right away, and are typically forced to choose the temporary denture solution.

Permanent dentures, on the other hand, are used once the teeth and gums have healed and are made to fit exactly.

As a result, it eliminates issues like irritability, tooth decay, or infection. As long as you maintain a good dental hygiene practice, permanent dentures can survive for a very long time.

How to pick a denture choice effectively

You must speak with your dentist in Greenwich as you explore your denture options so they can help you properly weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Do you have any temporary dentures?

The patient’s immediate option is transitory for the first month after extraction. In anticipation of the full healing from the extraction, it guards the gum tissue. It is also less expensive and causes less bleeding.

However, temporary dentures are exactly what their name implies. It carries a significant amount of risk.

  • Because it is not specifically made to suit the teeth, there is some discomfort associated with it.
  • In addition to causing pain, discomfort, irritability, and poor breath, it can also make it difficult for the patient to chew.
  • It permits the spread of infection.
  • It can remove or shift, therefore it is not optimal.
  • Compared to permanent dentures, it is not as sharp.
  • After extraction, there may be shrinkage, and you will need to contact your dentist for adjustments sometimes so that it is comfortable for you.

Thinking about getting dentures

Permanent dentures are prosthetic teeth that are surgically inserted into the jawbone using dental implants and mimic real teeth in appearance. It cannot be removed or moved once it is in place.

Patients with permanent dentures can eat with ease and speak with great comfort. It may be cleaned on a daily basis like regular teeth and lasts a lifetime. Additionally, it is simple to uninstall.

The depressing elements are:

  • It is costly.
  • It takes time for it to be created so that it fits exactly.
Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Care Tips

Advice on Deciding on the Correct Dental Specialty

Do you consider brushing your teeth to be adequate dental care?

No, going to the dentist for checks is the greatest way to take care of your teeth, even though frequent brushing and flossing are effective strategies to maintain your oral health.

Regular examinations guarantee the cleanliness of your teeth and gums, which improves your overall health and shields you from disease.

When your teeth need cleaning, trying to find the dentist’s office can be difficult, especially if you’ve just moved to a new city or haven’t yet found a dentist you trust.

When everyone promises to offer the best services, how can you choose the best dental clinic?

If you’re clueless, have a look at the advice listed below:

Research Credentials

You must choose a board-certified dentist. By doing this, you may be certain that your dentist has the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to provide you with the greatest care.

The dentist’s board certification attests to the lack of any medical grievances and sanctions.

To find out more about a dentist’s medical education, training, and other certifications, conduct an online search.

Think About the Dentist’s Experience

You are probably all aware that when dealing with oral health issues, experience is the most important factor. A dentist’s experience with a problem and operation is likely to yield superior results.

Endodontics and orthodontics are two dental specialties that require additional education. You can learn how many patients the dentist has dealt with in relation to your specific problem.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, ask the dentist what techniques they’ve found to be successful with other anxious patients.

Find out how many of a certain procedure the dentist has performed, the complication rates, the complications the dentist has experienced, and your personal risk of complications if you are confident that you need it.

Recognize the Various Therapies

Dental offices vary greatly from one another. Before making a decision, you should be aware of the services each dentist offers because some dentists offer procedures and treatments that others do not.

For instance, if you are interested in a technology, you should be aware that not all dentists are qualified to use it.

So, if you need a certain service, make sure the dentist offers it.

Examine Patient Reviews

Reading what other people have to say about a dentist’s general dentistry practise and dental practise management can teach you a lot about it.

It is possible to learn how much time the dentist spends with patients, how well they reply to inquiries, and how much the patients rely on them.

Patient reviews usually include comments about the staff’s friendliness, the office atmosphere, wait times, and scheduling of appointments. By compiling all the feedback, you can receive expert care from colts neck grins.

Bottom Line

By conversing with the employees at the clinic, you might discover a lot about the dentist’s workplace. You can go to the office and take a look around if you’re not sure which would be best dentist for you.

You can also take into account the aforementioned advice while picking the ideal dentist.

Beauty, Dental Care Tips, Dental Hygiene

How Important Is Mouthwash To Your Oral Health Regime?

This mouth freshening product is very popular, but is it really necessary?

It can appear like mouthwashes take up a lot of shelf space and are therefore quite noticeable to customers, possibly because they are one of the largest dental goods offered in our supermarkets.

This could be one of the factors contributing to the widespread use of mouthwash. It probably also helps that it is quite simple to use and gives you a fresher mouth and breath. In today’s blog, we’ll examine the advantages or lack thereof of this well-liked product to assist our Ipswich patients in determining whether it will be beneficial to them or not.

I should start by saying that if you have ever used mouthwash and were discouraged from doing so by your dentist Richmond, you might be interested to know that times have changed and they are now more than simply a “perfume for the mouth,” as some have claimed, but can provide real benefits. However, there are warnings. You will have fresher breath after using it, but most toothpastes also have that effect, so there is a chance that some individuals will stop brushing and use mouthwash exclusively.

Not a substitute

The most crucial point to make is that mouthwash is not a replacement for a sound dental hygiene routine. Despite how it can seem in alcohol-containing products, microorganisms from the teeth and gum line are not “burned away.” The only way to effectively eliminate bacteria and mineral deposits from the teeth and gum line is to brush thoroughly and use dental floss. To make sure you keep a healthy mouth, the hygienist should perform more thorough cleaning.

What advantages does mouthwash provide given that you don’t actually “need” to use it?

Why should I use it?

Despite the foregoing, a high-quality mouthwash can offer an additional line of defence against issues like gum disease. It can reach areas that brushing and flossing might miss because it is a liquid. Fluoride, which can naturally freshen breath, helps to strengthen the teeth’s protective enamel layer and is a component of certain mouthwashes. As long as you are also properly cleaning your teeth and aren’t merely using it to mask bad breath that can be brought on by gum disease, this use of it is entirely appropriate.

Which mouthwash should I use?

This question does not have a universally applicable solution. One brand may be more advantageous to some of our patients than another. Most have advantages in particular regions, thus it is advised that you talk to your dentist about this so they can point you in the direction of the mouthwash that will work best for you. Some are fantastic for treating gum disease, some for treating dry mouth, and others for boosting enamel. Some mouthwashes include ingredients that coat the teeth with a layer of protection. Prior to choosing your brand, it is advisable to obtain professional assistance as this can both protect them and invite discoloration.

How do I use it?

The majority of us might only give the bottle’s directions a cursory check. Although using mouthwash appears very simple, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Rinsing your mouth with mouthwash after brushing your teeth may seem like the most logical thing to do. However, you shouldn’t do this since mouthwash contains less fluoride than toothpaste and rinsing with mouthwash could wash much of it away. The ideal time to use it after cleaning your teeth is about 30 minutes. Additionally, you should wait around 30 minutes before eating or drinking after using it (some mouthwashes are likely to affect the taste of your food for a short while anyway).

Also keep in mind that many products contain alcohol, which you might want to avoid for cultural reasons. It could also make your mouth feel dryer. You can still utilise a variety of alcohol-free products in either of these scenarios.

The key takeaway is that mouthwash can be useful if used properly. However, it is NOT a replacement for brushing, flossing, and hygienist-performed professional cleanings. For the best results for your teeth and gums, make sure to follow a strong oral health regimen at home and Dentist Richmond and hygienist frequently.

Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Care Tips, Dental Fear, Dental Hygiene

Cancer or a Cold Sore? Your Dentist can determine

A once-yearly check-up at the dentist can do more than simply keep your teeth healthy; it can also warn you of any early warning symptoms of major health issues like oral cancer. Early detection can lead to removal in the pre-cancer stage for the sixth most prevalent type of cancer on the list of the top 10.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Even though mouth sores can occur frequently, any that do not go away on their own or start to hurt should be examined. Any growth in the mouth that is not going away after a week or two is a sign to look out for. This growth might be on the tongue, cheeks, or even the tonsils.

In addition to these signs, one may experience a persistent sore throat, soreness, or numbness in the lips or tongue. Concerning changes in voice and sudden, unexplained weight loss are both possible. Another indication that cancer may be a problem is difficulty chewing, talking, and moving the tongue or jaw, as well as issues with swallowing.

Regular cold sores are not cause for concern, but if they alter over time or become more severe, a biopsy may be required to be sure. A dentist in Glasgow is qualified to distinguish between a cold sore and a malignant growth.

Lowering the Risk of Oral Cancer

There are several things to avoid if you want to lower your risk of acquiring mouth cancer. The risk of cancer is increased by smoking and using other tobacco products. Sunscreen should be applied even on the lips, and excessive sun exposure should be avoided. The most prevalent STD, HPV, is also frequently associated with an increased risk of developing cancer.

The good news is that oral malignancies can typically be completely eliminated before they spread if they are detected early. Regular dental exams are important for more than just your teeth’s health, but they do reduce the risk of cavities and tartar. They can also offer early detection and intervention while helping to check for oral cancer symptoms.

Beauty, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Care Tips, Uncategorized

What Is The Key To Finding The Best Dentist In Your Area

Finding a new dentist can be difficult, whether you’re new to the region or your former dentist retired. Not only must you sift through internet patient reviews, but you must also visit dentist practice websites to ensure that anyone you choose is a good fit for your needs. It’s a lot to consider, but we’ve broken it down for you below to make things a little easier. Here’s how to find a good Private dentist in Amersham

Request for Recommendations

As dentists, word-of-mouth referrals are still the most effective form of advertising. Inquire about the dentists of your friends, family, and neighbours. Is it true that they are content with them? What operations did they undergo? Does that take quite a long time to get an appointment? By asking around and establishing a list of dentists to research further, you can cut down the field of probable choices.

Read Patient Testimonials

Among the most effective ways to locate a dentist in your area is to read online patient evaluations. Read reviews from other patients who have had the same procedures you are considering if you’re looking for the top cosmetic dentist in your region. Do you require a crown the same day? To read about other patients’ experiences, check for the term “crowns” in each dentist’s ratings.

Just on websites of some dental practices, you may watch the actual testimonials from patients. This is particularly useful because it allows you to see not just what previous patients have to say about their treatments, but also the outcomes of the work they got.

Visit the Dentist’s Website for more information.

You’ve gotten referrals from friends, and you’ve compared those referrals to internet patient evaluations. The next step is to visit a dental practice’s website to ensure that they are a good fit for your requirements. When looking for the greatest dentist, keep the following in mind:

·         After and before Photos

Take a look at before and after photos of past patients’ dental work–do you like what you see? Don’t be hesitant to call the dentist’s office and ask for concrete samples of the dental work you’ll be getting.

·         Services provided

If you desire Invisalign don’t assume that every cosmetic dentist provides this service. Before arranging an appointment, double-check their list of services. If you think you’ll need or desire further operations in the future, make absolutely sure any dentist you choose can perform them all so you don’t have to hunt for a new dentist in a few months.

·         Credentials and Experience

We’ve all heard awful stories of dental operations gone awry from friends and relatives. Maybe you’ve even had a horrible experience with a dentist. Selecting the finest dentist entails locating one who possesses the necessary qualifications, has several years of experience practicing dentistry, and continues to educate themselves in order to stay current with dental practice and procedures. Examine every dentist’s qualifications and experience to ensure that they are both qualified and experienced.

·         Location and hours of practice

Patients are likely to postpone their dentist sessions when life becomes busy if their dentist office is not close by. As a result, you’ll want to be sure your preferred dentist’s office is close to your house or job. If you’re having a major dental operation done, including such cosmetic dentistry, the distance for both you and professional cosmetic dentist may not be as significant as the cosmetic dentist’s skills and experience.

·         Quick and easy dentistry options

Patients with dental phobia should make sure that any dentist they select provides painless dentistry. This is especially beneficial for people who have put off coming to the dentist for years but are suffering excruciating toothache and need to come in for an assessment and potentially a deep cleaning.

Payment rules

Before making your first appointment, learn about your payment alternatives. Check to discover if the office accepts your dental insurance. If not, don’t worry; most dental insurance policies will pay at least a portion of out-of-network costs. What matters most is that you choose a high-quality dentist who can satisfy your demands.

Dental Care Tips

How to Improve your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Visit a cosmetic dentist if discoloured teeth ruin your smile. Cosmetic dentistry in Essex can help you out. Cosmetic dentists will help deal with your worries. In fact, the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry said people opting for such services increase by 40% annually.

Read through the six procedures you can avail of. The use of dental sedation Essex should ease your apprehensions. Dentists use sedation to help patients calm down during procedures.

  1. Dental Implants

Dental implants can be expensive, according to the NHS. A cosmetic dentist implants the replacement root into your jaw bone. The crown is attached to the implant. Thus, implants offer more comfort than dentures.

2. Dental Crowns

The dental crown acts as tooth cap. It lies directly on the top of prepared teeth. These crowns can be made from ceramic material. Or some cosmetic dentists use dental alloy above the ceramic. Crowns strengthen teeth that have gone through root canal procedure.

3. Cosmetic Gum Recontouring

Try gum recontouring if you have gum enlargement or undergrowth. Both cases produce an unpleasant facial appearance. In addition, cosmetic dentists can improve looks through lasers or surgery.

4. Tooth Coloured Bonding

Bonding agents can fill large and unsightly gaps between teeth. Tooth coloured bonding can also restore teeth after removal of cavities.

5. Invisalign

Invisalign replaced the use of ugly and cumbersome dental braces. Invisible aligners worn like retainers were introduced. So far, Invisalign has been effective in facilitating teeth alignment and movement.

6. Tooth Straightening

Before, people relied on wires and brackets for setting teeth into the preferred position. Nowadays, you have the choice of teeth straightening techniques. It can be costly, but you will feel more comfortable with this cutting-edge option.

With modern cosmetic dentistry procedures, you can keep on smiling the whole day.

Dental Care Tips

How Pregnancy Affect Your Oral Health?

It’s a myth that calcium is lost from a mother’s teeth and “one tooth is lost with every pregnancy.” But you may experience some changes in your oral health during pregnancy. The primary changes are due to a surge in hormones particularly an increase in oestrogen and progesterone can exaggerate the way gum tissues react to the plaque.

How does a build-up of plaque affect me?

If the plaque isn’t removed, it can cause gingivitis red, swollen, tender gums that are more likely to bleed. So-called “pregnancy gingivitis” affects most pregnant women to some degree, and generally, begins to surface as early as the second month. If you already have gingivitis, the condition is likely to worsen during pregnancy. If untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease.

Pregnant women are also at risk for developing pregnancy tumours, inflammatory, non-cancerous growths that develop when swollen gums become irritated. Normally, the tumours are left alone and will usually shrink on their own after the baby’s birth. But if a tumour is uncomfortable and interferes with chewing, brushing or other oral hygiene procedures, the dentist may decide to remove it.

How can I prevent these problems?

You can prevent gingivitis by keeping your teeth clean, especially near the gumline. You should brush with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day and after each meal when possible. You should also floss thoroughly each day. If brushing causes morning sickness, rinse your mouth with water or with antiplaque and fluoride mouthwashes. Good nutrition particularly plenty of vitamin C and B12 help keep the oral cavity healthy and strong. More frequent cleanings from the dentist will help control plaque and prevent gingivitis. The controlling plaque also will reduce gum irritation and decrease the likelihood of pregnancy tumours.

Could gingivitis affect my baby’s health?

Research suggests a link between preterm, low-birthweight babies and gingivitis. Excessive bacteria can enter the bloodstream through your gums. If this happens, the bacteria can travel to the uterus, triggering the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which are suspected to induce premature labour.

When should I see my dentist?

If you’re planning to become pregnant or suspect you’re pregnant, you should see a dentist right away. Otherwise, you should schedule a checkup in your first trimester for a cleaning. Your dentist will assess your oral condition and map out a dental plan for the rest of your pregnancy. A visit to the dentist also is recommended in the second trimester for a cleaning, to monitor changes and to gauge the effectiveness of your oral hygiene. Depending on the patient, another appointment may be scheduled early in the third trimester, but these appointments should be kept as brief as possible.

Are there any dental procedures I should avoid?

Non-emergency procedures generally can be performed throughout pregnancy, but the best time for any dental treatment is the fourth through six months. Women with dental emergencies that create severe pain can be treated during any trimester, but your obstetrician should be consulted during emergencies that require anaesthesia or when medication is being prescribed. Only X-rays that are needed for emergencies should be taken during pregnancy. Lastly, elective procedures that can be postponed should be delayed until after the baby’s birth.

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