
These Celebs Admittedly Had Lip Injections Done

There are several Hollywood celebrities that just love plastic surgery. A lot of them would not admit it although their faces tell you otherwise. Here are some of the celebs who admittedly had lip injections done:


Farrah Abraham

Farrah Abraham is one celeb who appears very obsessed with cosmetic surgery. She previously had a nose job, breast and chin implants, as well as lip injections. On the set of one show where she starred she talked about the horribly botched permanent lip injection, she had experienced. She said – “I don’t want anything that’s causing problems.”


Sarah Harding

Sarah Harding is a British singer who also admitted to having lip fillers with her interview from a Fabulous magazine. She said she got a little experimental and decided to have some lip injections. For her, it was a silly thing to do, but she was happy that they have finally gone back now. Dermal fillers Kent perform temporary lip injections.


Kylie Jenner

Many of us wondered why Kylie is just a teen but her lips look liked someone older than she is. She has admitted that she is not happy with the attention people are giving her big lips. The youngest of the Kardashians has admitted in one interview that she had temporary lip fillers done.


Lisa Rinna

Lisa Rinna had silicone added to her lips when she was in her 20s, but, she tried removing them several years back. They eventually got hard and it was a mess. She had the silicone fillers taken out later on.


Jessica Simpson

It was in 2005 when Jessica was just in her mid-20s that she got some lip work done. Whoever made the injections placed a little over the top and gave her a trout pout. She said she looked fake and didn’t like it at all.


 Jennifer Hudson

Jen admitted on the Oprah show that she had lip fillers Kent done to add some form to it. She decided to have it enhanced as she needed it for a certain role in the movie she is participating in.

Article contributed by Jessica White from


Caring For Your Dentures

Dentures can save you from embarrassment and provide you with the confidence you need. It may be challenging at first but with a few tips, you will get used to it. You also have to take care of it to prevent issues from popping up. St Albans Dentists offer you the following advice on how to care for them.

  1. Practising good habits. Clean dental plates daily because by not doing so, fungal infections may grow on them.
  2. Brush them regularly. This will prevent tartar and bacteria from clinging to it. Rinse and brush with gentle soap.
  3. Take your bridge off while sleeping. Soreness and irritation of gums may result from the use of dentures. Taking it off for 6 to 8 hours while you sleep allows your gums to heal.
  4. Submerge dentures in special liquid cleaners. This will loosen the food, bacteria and plaque stuck to it. It prevents these elements from breeding infections that may damage your dentures and your mouth.
  5. Slice food into bite size pieces. Chewing and eating are two of the things that you have to get used to when using your new dentures. Professionals say it will help you a lot if you pre-slice your food into comfortable sizes before you place them in your mouth.
  6. Inquire about the use of dental adhesives. These are meant to hold your dental plates in place. But before you do so, ask emergency St Albans about their opinion on it.
  7. Keep your mouth hydrated. Irritations may occur when the mouth becomes dry. There is also a higher possibility of decay from bacteria. To balance this occurrence, you have to consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.
  8. Have your dentists check you regularly. Dentists can check if you are suffering from irritations and mouth sores because of your artificial teeth. He can make the necessary adjustments. Having your teeth and dentures cleaned regularly is a big help.
  9. Stay away from foods that are too hard to bite and are too sticky. Food that is too sticky can get trapped between denture and mouth and cause decay. Tough foods like nuts can break your bridge.

All these are important advice related to caring and prolonging the life of your artificial teeth.


8 Signs You Might Need Dentures

It is hard to accept but one of these days you are going to need dentures. According to the Fixodent Beauty & Aging Survey around 19% or 20 million women aged 40 wear partial or full dentures. The numbers will increase to 37.9 million in the year 2020.

The good news is that you can prevent wearing dentures. Losing your teeth doesn’t happen instantly. If you practise good oral hygiene, you can keep dentures out of your life.

Here are signs that you have to watch out for.

  1. You have not seen a dentist in the past 6 months

Seeing your NHS dentist in Acton is important because it helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

  1. Bleeding, swollen, red and tender gums

These are signs of gum inflammation. Milder cases indicate an onset of gingivitis and worse cases lead to severe periodontal disease.

  1. Teeth have wider gaps, and it is loose or shifting.

These indicate gum or periodontal disease. Extensive dental treatment prevents tooth loss.

  1. A toothache is getting worse.

Extreme pain means tooth decay has worsened and has affected the nerve centre of your teeth. It can be fixed with a simple filling or worse, a more expensive and invasive procedure.

  1. You’ve lost at least two teeth

The remaining teeth absorb all the pressure in chewing and that leads to more tooth loss. Getting Dentures in Acton fills the gaps where you lost your teeth, enhancing your smile and overall appearance.

  1. Difficulty chewing food or hard candy

Signs that you may have a cracked tooth is when it’s difficult for you to chew certain food. You may also have gum disease, cavities or missing teeth.

  1. Indigestion

Inability to chew food properly due to cracked teeth or sore gums leads to indigestion or a chronic stomachache. Swallowing bigger chunks of food is harder to digest in your stomach.

  1. You don’t smile

People tend to avoid smiling when they are missing a few teeth.

Daily practice of excellent oral care will prevent tooth loss. Flossing, brushing and having regular check-ups with the dentist are all under your control so it’s your decision to keep your teeth healthy.

Dental Care Tips

How Pregnancy Affect Your Oral Health?

It’s a myth that calcium is lost from a mother’s teeth and “one tooth is lost with every pregnancy.” But you may experience some changes in your oral health during pregnancy. The primary changes are due to a surge in hormones particularly an increase in oestrogen and progesterone can exaggerate the way gum tissues react to the plaque.

How does a build-up of plaque affect me?

If the plaque isn’t removed, it can cause gingivitis red, swollen, tender gums that are more likely to bleed. So-called “pregnancy gingivitis” affects most pregnant women to some degree, and generally, begins to surface as early as the second month. If you already have gingivitis, the condition is likely to worsen during pregnancy. If untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease.

Pregnant women are also at risk for developing pregnancy tumours, inflammatory, non-cancerous growths that develop when swollen gums become irritated. Normally, the tumours are left alone and will usually shrink on their own after the baby’s birth. But if a tumour is uncomfortable and interferes with chewing, brushing or other oral hygiene procedures, the dentist may decide to remove it.

How can I prevent these problems?

You can prevent gingivitis by keeping your teeth clean, especially near the gumline. You should brush with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day and after each meal when possible. You should also floss thoroughly each day. If brushing causes morning sickness, rinse your mouth with water or with antiplaque and fluoride mouthwashes. Good nutrition particularly plenty of vitamin C and B12 help keep the oral cavity healthy and strong. More frequent cleanings from the dentist will help control plaque and prevent gingivitis. The controlling plaque also will reduce gum irritation and decrease the likelihood of pregnancy tumours.

Could gingivitis affect my baby’s health?

Research suggests a link between preterm, low-birthweight babies and gingivitis. Excessive bacteria can enter the bloodstream through your gums. If this happens, the bacteria can travel to the uterus, triggering the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which are suspected to induce premature labour.

When should I see my dentist?

If you’re planning to become pregnant or suspect you’re pregnant, you should see a dentist right away. Otherwise, you should schedule a checkup in your first trimester for a cleaning. Your dentist will assess your oral condition and map out a dental plan for the rest of your pregnancy. A visit to the dentist also is recommended in the second trimester for a cleaning, to monitor changes and to gauge the effectiveness of your oral hygiene. Depending on the patient, another appointment may be scheduled early in the third trimester, but these appointments should be kept as brief as possible.

Are there any dental procedures I should avoid?

Non-emergency procedures generally can be performed throughout pregnancy, but the best time for any dental treatment is the fourth through six months. Women with dental emergencies that create severe pain can be treated during any trimester, but your obstetrician should be consulted during emergencies that require anaesthesia or when medication is being prescribed. Only X-rays that are needed for emergencies should be taken during pregnancy. Lastly, elective procedures that can be postponed should be delayed until after the baby’s birth.

Article Source

Dental Care Tips

8 Food and Drinks to Avoid for Healthy Teeth

Preventing tooth decay from happening can be done by staying away from the following food and beverages.  Here are the top 8:

  1. Bread. This food is filled with sugar because of the carbohydrates it has in it. The sugars in here have a sticky texture which lets it cling to the teeth and destroys it.
  2. Sour candies. These types of candies are loaded with acid that can damage the teeth. Candies tend to stick to the teeth for quite some time. This allows them to cause decay in it. This just might be the worst form of candy for your dentures. Experts from dental industry West Essex suggest eating chocolate bars instead because these do not stick to the teeth.
  3. Soda. Consuming large volumes of drinks with carbon in them can cause damage to teeth in the same way as cocaine and methamphetamine. These drinks lead the plaque on your teeth to make acids that damage the enamel.
  4. Alcohol. This causes your mouth to become dry. This means your saliva level is at a low. Teeth need saliva to help them keep healthy. This liquid prevents food from sticking from the teeth.
  5. Citrus. The high acid content in these fruits can damage the enamel of the teeth. This becomes the start of tooth decay. Just a tiny squeeze of juice from any acidic fruit can create erosion on the surface.
  6. Ice. It should be safe since it is made from water. However, if you chew on it, it may cause your teeth to crack its enamel. This makes your teeth vulnerable to chipping and breaking. You should never bite into an ice cube.
  7. Dried fruits. Most of the dried fruits that everyone eats are of the sticky kind. These include raisins, figs, prunes, and apricots. Once they stick to the surface of the teeth, they coat it with their sugar-laden juice. This is what causes decay.
  8. Potato chips. The one element that potatoes have that causes decay is starch. Potato chips have loads of it. Starch turns into sugar and can stick to most parts of the surface.

Professionals from West Sussex dental practice advise that people should stay away from all these food in order to have better teeth and gums.

Dental Fear

What You Need To Know When Choosing a Reliable Dental Clinic

Problems with teeth and oral may happen anytime. It is important that a person should take the time to have his teeth looked at by a dentist. If you happen to feel a toothache coming or have a sharp and jarring pain in your jaw, skip the painkillers and visit a Hounslow Dentist right away. It is important that you get yourself checked at the soonest possible time.

A toothache, mouth pains and oral discomfort might happen too often. In this case, you should not waste your time in medicating yourself. Painkillers will only deal with the pain and only temporarily. If you want to take the pain out permanently, look for a dentist that is capable of doing so.

A visit to the dentist will let you know the extent of the damage and what is causing the intense pain. You cannot just pick out any dentist, you have to choose the right one. You need someone who can take a look at your problems. A reliable one may administer emergency procedures right away. This will immediately take out the cause of your dilemma. This is the main reason why it is important that a patient knows how to pick the best and most reliable dental clinic and dentist out there. Here are a couple of tips that will certainly provide some help in looking for the right dentist.

  1. Pick a dental clinic where every professional provides multiple services. The dentists should have enough knowledge about complicated procedures that might be needed in treating your teeth and gums. You should also look into the clinic’s and dentists’ licenses.
  2. Pick a clinic that is just within the place you live or work. You can surely find one by logging onto the internet. You can ask your neighbours about great dentists within the area. This is very important since in emergency cases, time and distance are of the essence.
  3. Lastly, you need to pick one that is open during Sundays and Holidays. These may be rare, but if you can find a dentist In TW9, then it’s well and good.

Finding the most reliable dentist out there is very important. These tips are meant to help you out.

Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene Tips for Healthy & White Teeth

Having bad dental hygiene can make it difficult for anyone to say something as simple as cheese or to smile.

However, not being able to say cheese or smile pales in comparison to the avalanche of dental and oral diseases that you can suffer from if you treat your dental hygiene with contempt. Diseases such as gum disease, oral cancer and terrifyingly horrible breath (which is often an indication of other oral problems) can invade your mouth and make your life a living hell.

In fairness to some people, the problem — besides not caring about dental hygiene — can also be caring wrongly.

Are you tired of keeping your lips tight shut in social circles? Or perhaps you know someone having some serious dental nightmare? Here are some dental hygiene tips to ensure that you always you maintain good healthy, white teeth.

1. Brush your mouth properly

Yes, I said mouth, not teeth. The reason is that your teeth are not the only thing in your mouth; you have your gum, your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Those need cleaning too.

When brushing, place the bristles of the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle near the gum line, such that the bristles are in contact with both the teeth and the gum. Brush using a back and forth, up and down movement. When you are done repeat the same procedure for the inner surfaces of your teeth and gum.

Then brush the surfaces of your tongue and roof of your mouth. This will help to get rid of bacteria that cause bad breath. Remember to brush your teeth and gum lightly; do not attack them with the bristles, as this will do more harm than good.

Also, make a habit of brushing at least twice a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

2. Floss regularly

As wonderful as brushing regularly is, it is not holistic in its responsibility to clean your teeth. Brushing can clean the surface of the teeth, but it cannot do the same for the spaces in between teeth.

This is where flossing comes in. It helps to get rid of food residue and other detrimental substances stuck between the teeth. If you really care about your dental hygiene (and you should), get into the habit of flossing at least once a day.

3. Ensure that your diet is teeth-friendly

For most people, if not everybody, our primary reason for eating something is that it tastes good. But have we ever considered what this different foods or snacks do to our teeth?

Foods such as nuts, fruits (such as apples), cheese, chicken and vegetables are teeth friendly. Something extra to know about cheese is that it causes your salivary gland to produce more saliva, which neutralises the acid.

4. Limit intake of sodas and alcohol

Tobacco for one is something you should run away from. Avoiding this can save you from some periodontal complications such as oral cancer. Furthermore, stuff that you will take to mask the smell of tobacco such as sweets, tea or coffee will just end of doubling the damage to your teeth already caused by the tobacco.

You should also limit your intake of soda and alcohol. These contain phosphorus, which is an important mineral for a healthy. But too much of everything is bad and this applies to phosphorus too. Too much of it can deplete the calcium level of the body, causing dental hygiene problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Go instead with beverages that will help to build enamel strength and water, which hydrates your body better than any sugary drink ever will.

Here is a helpful tip: if you must take sodas or alcohol, do so with a straw to avoid the drink having direct contact with your teeth.

5. Visit the dentist regularly

Applying everything stated in the previous points is not an excuse not to go for a regular dental checkup. All you can do is your best and then leave the rest to the dental care experts.

As permissible as your schedule is, make it a habit to visit a dental clinic in Leicester regularly for full oral checkup and teeth cleaning. There are dental problems that you may not be able to identify on your own. Adhering to this can save you a whole world of hurt in the long run.

6. Leave a little fluoride in your mouth before bedtime

Fluoride helps to strengthen the tooth surface so why rinse it off after brushing your teeth?

For many people, it may not be ideal to carry toothpaste residue in their mouth the whole day and frankly, it makes no logical sense as you will most likely make the mistake of swallowing it during the course of the day.

So it is not advisable to do this when brushing your teeth in the morning as you get ready for work. But what about at night before you go to bed? This is a better time to do this. Allow the fluoride sit on the surface of the teeth by not rinsing off the paste with water after brushing.

If you have just had a meal that leaves residue in your mouth, then brush your mouth twice. First time around is to get rid of the food residue and to avoid bacterial proliferation. After brushing the second time, just spit out the toothpaste and leave the residue on the teeth rather than rinsing it off with water.

Article Original Source

Dental Care Tips

How to Deal with a Toothache After a Filling

You’d never think you’ll still have a toothache after having your tooth filled. After removing the decayed part of the tooth and having it filled in, you’re expecting it shouldn’t hurt anymore, right? Well, it’s normal to feel a little pain after a filling session. It’s usually the type of throbbing pain on the tooth whenever something gets in touch with it or its slight sensitivity to cold or hot drinks or food after the fillings session.

This kind of pain should go away after a week at the most, but usually, you won’t feel it right the next day. At times, just taking a painkiller does the trick. If the pain is unbearable and won’t stop for the next 2 weeks, you’ll need to call your dentist Croydon right away.

What causes this pain?

In removing the decayed part of the tooth, the dentist has to use invasive methods. The nerve ends of the tooth are exposed to high-speed drilling and intense laser treatment. Right after the treatment is over, the nerve ends will still be sensitive.

Another pain factor is the amalgam filling used in covering the cavities. Since it is made of silver metal, it acts as a conduit for hot and cold sensations directly to the pulp.

  1. Avoid cold and hot beverages and foods. Have these in room temperature.
  2. Use tooth sensitivity toothpaste. These are easily available at any grocery or drugstore. It contains a desensitising component that reduces pain.
  3. Consume soft food that won’t require chewing. That will lessen the pressure applied on the teeth while eating.
  4. Use painkillers to combat pain.
  5. Practice exceptional oral hygiene that includes constant brushing and flossing.
  6. Try all remedies to relieve a toothache by doing a research on the internet.

There are several options on how to deal with the pain caused by applying fillings. If the pain is still persistent, best to go back to your dentist and have it checked.

Root Canal

The 7 Truths and Lies About Root Canals

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “Root Canal” is an image of you suffering under the dentist’s drill. In reality, that is not at all true. There is nothing to believe in the lies being spread about the Root Canal therapy. You must welcome the experience of getting a private root canal Weybridge to dispel all of these untruths.

The Lies:

• The root canal causes pain

Root canals are painless thanks to modern dentistry that incorporates Dental Sedation to alleviate the pain. The point of having this treatment is to remove the damaged tissue which is causing the pain. This process actually provides pain relief.

• It causes illness

This myth came about after a research done in 1900 by Dr. Weston Price. The method has been improved since then and this study was already discredited.

• It is only needed when there is tooth pain

The procedures aim to save the remaining teeth and prevent further infection. Sometimes the patient does not experience any pain even if the tooth needs to be treated.

• Root Canals need several appointments

The competition of the procedure will only take one or 2 appointments. You’ll need a follow-up checkup with Dentist in Weybridge but, the tooth is already working fine after the treatment.

The Truths:

Root Canals can cure tooth problems

The treatment allows the patients to keep their infected tooth for a lifetime. It is designed to prevent infections from happening. 95% of the time, these treatments are successful.

• Root canals can save the tooth

As much as possible, dentists would want to save your tooth and prevent it from getting extracted. It will also avoid creating unnecessary gaps in your mouth. If the root of the tooth is still alive, dentists will opt to take out the infected parts and just reconstruct the entire tooth it so it can be useful once again.

• The tooth is “crowned”

To complete the treatment of the Root Canal, the remaining part of the tooth is fitted with a crown. It helps in protecting the living parts of the tooth and prevents further infection.

By knowing what is true, you should no longer be afraid of getting a Root Canal. It is actually very beneficial for your teeth.

Disclaimer: The featured image credit goes Wikipedia User Jeremykemp
Root Canal Illustration with Molars by Jeremy Kemp.