Dental Care Tips

8 Food and Drinks to Avoid for Healthy Teeth

Preventing tooth decay from happening can be done by staying away from the following food and beverages.  Here are the top 8:

  1. Bread. This food is filled with sugar because of the carbohydrates it has in it. The sugars in here have a sticky texture which lets it cling to the teeth and destroys it.
  2. Sour candies. These types of candies are loaded with acid that can damage the teeth. Candies tend to stick to the teeth for quite some time. This allows them to cause decay in it. This just might be the worst form of candy for your dentures. Experts from dental industry West Essex suggest eating chocolate bars instead because these do not stick to the teeth.
  3. Soda. Consuming large volumes of drinks with carbon in them can cause damage to teeth in the same way as cocaine and methamphetamine. These drinks lead the plaque on your teeth to make acids that damage the enamel.
  4. Alcohol. This causes your mouth to become dry. This means your saliva level is at a low. Teeth need saliva to help them keep healthy. This liquid prevents food from sticking from the teeth.
  5. Citrus. The high acid content in these fruits can damage the enamel of the teeth. This becomes the start of tooth decay. Just a tiny squeeze of juice from any acidic fruit can create erosion on the surface.
  6. Ice. It should be safe since it is made from water. However, if you chew on it, it may cause your teeth to crack its enamel. This makes your teeth vulnerable to chipping and breaking. You should never bite into an ice cube.
  7. Dried fruits. Most of the dried fruits that everyone eats are of the sticky kind. These include raisins, figs, prunes, and apricots. Once they stick to the surface of the teeth, they coat it with their sugar-laden juice. This is what causes decay.
  8. Potato chips. The one element that potatoes have that causes decay is starch. Potato chips have loads of it. Starch turns into sugar and can stick to most parts of the surface.

Professionals from West Sussex dental practice advise that people should stay away from all these food in order to have better teeth and gums.