Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Care Tips, Dental Fear, Dental Hygiene

Cancer or a Cold Sore? Your Dentist can determine

A once-yearly check-up at the dentist can do more than simply keep your teeth healthy; it can also warn you of any early warning symptoms of major health issues like oral cancer. Early detection can lead to removal in the pre-cancer stage for the sixth most prevalent type of cancer on the list of the top 10.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Even though mouth sores can occur frequently, any that do not go away on their own or start to hurt should be examined. Any growth in the mouth that is not going away after a week or two is a sign to look out for. This growth might be on the tongue, cheeks, or even the tonsils.

In addition to these signs, one may experience a persistent sore throat, soreness, or numbness in the lips or tongue. Concerning changes in voice and sudden, unexplained weight loss are both possible. Another indication that cancer may be a problem is difficulty chewing, talking, and moving the tongue or jaw, as well as issues with swallowing.

Regular cold sores are not cause for concern, but if they alter over time or become more severe, a biopsy may be required to be sure. A dentist in Glasgow is qualified to distinguish between a cold sore and a malignant growth.

Lowering the Risk of Oral Cancer

There are several things to avoid if you want to lower your risk of acquiring mouth cancer. The risk of cancer is increased by smoking and using other tobacco products. Sunscreen should be applied even on the lips, and excessive sun exposure should be avoided. The most prevalent STD, HPV, is also frequently associated with an increased risk of developing cancer.

The good news is that oral malignancies can typically be completely eliminated before they spread if they are detected early. Regular dental exams are important for more than just your teeth’s health, but they do reduce the risk of cavities and tartar. They can also offer early detection and intervention while helping to check for oral cancer symptoms.